Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Go over to
www.ntxe-news.com and read the column on the front page at the lower left. It's about the first every Baghdad CASI chili cookoff held on Easter Sunday.


“Thanks go out to many people involved with the 2010 Kansas State Open Championship. What a great weekend! And a wet one too.

There were too many new people who attended their first CASI event as judges, home style entrants, and of course CASI contenders to list here. There were two Master KCBS BBQ judges along with many area notables serving as judges. Defending State Champion Steve Shepherd was on hand to defend his title, and Darin Jester, Great Pepper of the Indiana POD and hopeful soon to be CASI Director was also on hand to do some campaigning as well as cook great chili. It rained non-stop. The VFW Post #846 was extremely cordial and gracious host, so thank you to all of them and Post Commander Jim Lilleston. Now, on with the results.

10th place CASI- Peg Kirk-Velasquez, Kansas City, KS
9th place CASI - Travis McCauley, Pittsburg, KS
8th place CASI - Trent Atwood, Shelbyville, IN
7th place CASI - Darin Jester, Indianapolis, IN
6th place CASI - Steve Shepherd, Pittsburg, KS Qualified 2010 TICC
5th place CASI - Colleen Lintner, Shawnee, KS Qualified 2010 TICC
4th place CASI - Natalie Atwood, Shelbyville, IN
3rd place CASI - Fred Wiedner, Windsor, MO
2nd place CASI - Kevin Stovall, Lee's Summitt, MO
1st place CASI - Lee Kroencke, Lenexa, KS Qualified 2010 TICC


3rd place Show - Chipotlehead Chili, Kevin Stovall, Lee's Summit, MO
2nd place Show - Hell Fire & Brimstone, Margo Smith, Coffey, MO
1st place Show - Darin Jester, Flashover Chili, Indianapolis IN Qualified 2010 TICC

Again there were many comments heard regarding the family like nature of the group, and it appeared to everyone in attendance that CASI clearly represents, CHILI, CHARITY, and FUN. Thanks one more time to everyone involved. Great seeing you!” Lee Kroencke

“H-E-B Mexia is gearing up for all the chili cooks to come out on May 29th for their 2nd Annual chili cook off held in the H-E-B parking lot. This is a one day cook off with plenty of parking. Turn in time 2:00 PM chili grind only & entry fee is $18.00. The charity will be for the Juvenile Diabetes program. Location is 701 E. Milam St. No need to bring lunch, the Store Director will be fireing up the grill and cooking for all the cooks. Hope everyone can come out and show our H-E-B folks their support.

Please make NOTE: It's a TABC LAW NOT to have OPEN Alcohol Containers on the Premises where Alcohol is sold.

For more information please call 254-855-4733. Hope to see Everyone there.”Donna Conrad


“The trouble with jogging is that the ice falls out of your glass.” - Martin Mull

News items and pictures for the CHN can be emailed to

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