Monday, September 13, 2010

Thanks to Donna Conrad, Dianne Stimson, and all of their helpers for their hard work hosting the Great Peppers Meeting. Also, thanks to retiring Board members Bo Prewitt and Tim Collier for their service to CASI.


"Want to everyone know that Lisa Duggans mom is being moved to Hospice. Her mom suffered a severe stroke on Saturday night and has not gotten any better. The doctors decided this was her best option. Pray that she is able to make the trip and pray that her family is able to deal with the heartbreak!" Tammie Wooster


Happy Birthday to James Bauer and Jimmy Maturo.

"The most important thing in life is to see to it that you are never beaten." - Andre Malraux

News items and pictures for the CHN can be emailed to - Please note new email address

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